See and edit your customers data at any time, let them create accounts to make purchases faster, and provide them a customer portal to view their orders.
Customer Accounts and Customer Portal
Manage customer and orders data with full control. Allow customers to view their order history, change their passwords and manage their shipping addresses in their own customer portal.
Customer notes and password
Add time stamped notes to customer records and manually set a temporary password for customers.
Customer password forgotten via email
Customers can self service their login issue by resetting their own passwords via email.
Customer Group Pricing & Templates
Create tiers of product pricing for your customer groups. Assign a customer to a group to apply that pricing to their account.
Checkout as Guest
Increase conversion with less commitment for first time visitors during checkout.
Customer group product access
Loaded Commerce allows you to control which products and content your customers will see based on the group they are in.
Customer Service Manager
Allow customers to open tickets and manage them in your admin. Create different departments and assign tickets to staff to handle. Customers are notified of response via email.
Customer Export
Export customers to a CSV file based on their newsletter subscription, purchases or group membership.
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