This menu provides access to page title and header tag information, template settings, and Infobox configuration settings. The "Design" referred to is more structural than page layout-oriented.
CRE Loaded uses a template to create the layout and design of your store, positioning the elements of every page according to the template so that you only have to set up your page layout once. Use this menu to select and configure the default template for your store.
All installed templates are displayed in this menu. The template currently being used as your site default is displayed in bold with the notation that it is the default.
Active — Select the green dot to make a template active. Note that this is not the same as selecting that template as your default. To make a template your default, you must change its configuration through the Edit menu (see options below).
Display Left Column — Click the "Y" dot to display the left-hand column of the template. You can also set this option through the "Edit" menu (see options below).
Display Right Column — Click the "Y" dot to display the right-hand column of the template. You can also set this option through the "Edit" menu (see options below).
Action — Click the "i" button to display the "Edit" button.
When you click the "Edit" button, you are presented with the complete Edit menu. See Customizing Your Store, Section 1 of the Online Manual for complete information on configuring template options.
Set as Site Default — Select this box to use this template as the default layout for your site.
Site Width — Enter the width in pixels for this template to display.
Header — Select "Include Cart in Header?" to display a summary of the customer’s shopping cart, including the number of items in their cart and the current total amount of their purchase. Select "Include languages in Header?" to display thumbnail flags for the language modules you have installed. Select "Include Header Link Buttons?" to display buttons linking to "My Account," "Cart Contents," and "Checkout" in the header.
Table Cellpadding — Table cell padding controls how much horizontal space is put on either side of tables. "Main table cellpadding" sets the amount of horizontal space in pixels to put on either side of the side Infoboxes. "Sub table cellpadding" sets the amount of horizontal space in pixels to put on either side of the main page tables.
Side Infobox Cellpadding — Infobox cell padding controls the size of the interior margins of Infoboxes. "Left side cellpadding" sets the amount of horizontal space in pixels to put between the left border of Infoboxes and the test within them. "Right side cellpadding" sets the amount of horizontal space in pixels to put between the right border of Infoboxes and the test within them.
Left Column — Set "Include the left column?" to "Yes" to display the left-hand column of the template. Enter the width in pixels you want the left-hand column to be in the "Left column width (pixel)" field. Select the amount of space in pixels to keep between the left edge of the page and the left-hand column from the "Left column cellpadding" drop-down box.
Right Column — Set "Include the right column?" to "Yes" to display the right-hand column of the template. Enter the width in pixels you want the right-hand column to be in the "Right column width (pixel)" field. Select the amount of space in pixels to keep between the right-hand column and the right edge of the page from the "Right column cellpadding" drop-down box.
Select Modules for Catalog Index Page — Select from the drop-down boxes the modules you want to display in the main page (center column) of your store. These modules will display in the order in which you select them here.
Other — Select "Show customer greeting?" to display a welcome message to customers on your main page; the text of this message is found in the languages/english.php file: TEXT_GREETING_GUEST for unregistered customers, or TEXT_GREETING_PERSONAL for customers who have signed in to their accounts. Select "Include Main Table Border?" to display the text of the HEADING_TITLE in languages/english/index.php.
EZ Install — If you have purchased a new template, enter the download key and the email address you used for the order, then click "Install" to automatically install the new template.
Buy CRE Loaded Templates — Browse and purchase new templates for your CRE Loaded store here. You can also search by keyword, product line, and category.
This menu lists every Infobox installed in CRE Loaded. You can select and configure each Infobox individually.
Font Color — Select the color of the title text for Infoboxes.
Activate Box? — Select the green dot to turn an Infobox on.
Set Column — Select the left arrow to display the Infobox in the left-hand column of your store. Select the right arrow to display the Infobox in the right-hand column of your store.
Position — Click the up arrow to display the Infobox closer to the top of the column; click the down arrow to display the Infobox closer to the bottom of the column. If no up arrow is shown, that Infobox is already at the top of the column, and if no down arrow is shown, that Infobox is already at the bottom of the column.
Action — Click the "i" button to display the "Edit" button.
When you click the "Edit" button, you are presented with the complete Edit menu. See Customizing Your Store, Section 4.5 of the Online Manual for complete information on configuring template options.
Filename — The default name of the Infobox file is displayed. If you have created a new Infobox, select the filename here.
The Infobox Heading — Enter the title text to display at the top of the Infobox. You must create a separate title for each language your site uses. If you have created a special class in the "box.tpl.php" file, enter the name here.
Which Box Template? — The default name of the Infobox class is displayed.
Which Column? — Select the column in which you want this Infobox to display.
Column Position? — Enter the position in descending order (1 = the top of the column) in which you want the Infobox to display
Define Key — Enter the name of the constant that contains the text to display in the Infobox. These constants are found in the "languages/english.php" file (substitute another language for "english" if necessary). See Customizing Your Store, Section 5 of the Online Manual for complete information on editing constants in php files.
Set this box Active? — Select "Yes" to display this Infobox in your store.
Header Font Color — Select the color (or enter an HTML color code) for the title text of the Infobox.
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