Encrypt & Decrypt menu

The Encrypt/Decrypt menu helps you maintain security for your customers' sensitive credit card data. For information on managing credit card data, see Order Processing and Management, Section 4 of the Online Manual.


Enable CC encryption — Select "True" to enable credit card encryption.

Path to key file — Enter the directory in which to store the file used to encrypt/decrypt credit card data. This will be a sub-directory of the includes/ directory

Key File Name — Enter the name of the file used to encrypt/decrypt credit card data.

Manage Keys

The key file is used to encrypt and decrypt credit card data. You should change keys periodically to ensure the security of your customers' credit card data.

Warning: Do not edit a key file once you have begun encrypting data. You will not be able to decrypt any existing encrypted data if the key file has been altered.

Search — Enter the text for which you want to search.

Return — Click this button at any point to return to the main Manage Keys screen.

Help — Click this button for complete help with encrypt/decrypt key management.

Create — Create a new encrypt/decrypt key file.

Edit — Edit an existing encrypt/decrypt key file.

Update CC Data

Encrypt and decrypt credit card data with this menu.

Encrypt — Click this button to encrypt all credit card data.

Decrypt — Click this button to decrypt all credit card data.

You can also select individual orders to encrypt/decrypt specific credit card data.

Purge CC Data

Once you have processed a transaction and the payment has cleared, it is good management practice to delete the credit card numbers from your database in order to prevent possible theft or fraud.

Remove CC Info — Click the button at the top of the page to purge all credit card data. This will remove ALL credit card data, so be sure the payment for every order has been processed and cleared before you click this button.

You can also select individual orders to encrypt/decrypt specific credit card data.


This screen provides complete help with encrypt/decrypt key management.


This menu displays the results of test procedures to ensure that the Encryption Manager is functioning properly.