Website Maintenance

An online store, just like any other store, requires regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. There is not much that needs to be done, but it is crucial to the continued success of your store.

1.1 Update Currencies

If you are going to use more than one currency, be sure to update the exchange rates every day. To do this, go to Admin => Localization => Currencies and click "Update Currencies" -- all exchange rates will automatically be checked and updated at once.

1.2 Who’s Online

There may be times when you will need to take your store offline temporarily for maintenance. Obviously, you should not do this if there are lots of customers actively shopping at the time. Even if you are not taking the store offline, but just making a change to one product page, if someone happens to be browsing that page at the time, they could become confused or upset by the sudden change, and you could lose that sale -- or that customer.

To avoid such problems, you can check to see how many customers are currently shopping in your store, and even what pages they are viewing at any given time.

Go to Admin => Tools => Who's Online. You will see a report showing the name of every customer currently shopping in your store ("Guest" for those who have not logged into their accounts), how long the have been shopping, the last page they viewed and how long ago they went there -- and most importantly, a green dot will be displayed beside any customer who has an active shopping cart. Click your browser's "Refresh" button to update the report.